2019 Louisville Health Advisory Board Accomplishments
Behavioral Health
Researched national best practices around a suicide fatality review process. Engaged the coroner’s office, University of Louisville and Spalding graduate students in the creation of a local process. The suicide fatality review process is continuing to develop in 2020 in hopes that the committee will be able to implement in Louisville.
Continued the planning and execution of monthly Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training sessions across Louisville, training ~100 people in the suicide prevention technique, including three quarters of Family Health Centers’ staff.
·Planned and facilitated a webinar explaining the process of the city-wide QPR training done in 2018, where the committee trained over 2000 people on QPR. The webinar was a live event and is saved online for other cities and groups to view and learn how to execute a similar training in their city.
Partnered with Whitney/Strong to support the organization’s advocacy efforts and work with gun shop owners.
Redesigned the Louisville Culture of Health Website and transitioned website ownership to Louisville Health Advisory Board from Community Foundation of Louisville
Created social media strategy, establishing LHAB Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts as well as process and technology (Hootsuite) to consistently engage.
Engaged Louisville Health Advisory Board members at quarterly meetings, soliciting information about their respective organizations, informing 2020 social content.
Created and submitted e-newsletters to full LHAB distribution list (350 persons) following quarterly meetings.
Community Coordination of Care
Supported Family Health Centers in rolling out PRAPARE social needs assessment to eight of their clinics, screening patients on the social determinants of health.
Supported the launch and growth of United Community in Louisville. Provided feedback on data, connected groups to the initiative and supported Metro United Way with community relations around the initiative.
Developed sub-committees around food, transportation and housing to study national models around these topics and assess whether they could work in Louisville. After research, expanded housing sub-committee and work to a statewide initiative.
Assessed membership and advantages to having one statewide meeting addressing diabetes.
Sunsetted this committee and combined work group with the statewide diabetes network effort.
Respiratory Health
Produced successful CHEST Foundation screening event at the Kentucky State Fair, screening over 200 people in one weekend.
Supported work around tobacco-free advocacy and e-cigarette advocacy work being done by Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.
Grew committee members, expanded meetings to one hour, and transitioned leadership.
Hosted in person (this committee meets virtually) meeting to strengthen engagement, committee members’ connections and brainstorm ideas for the growth of the committee work.